We have seen all types of events move online due to corona-virus. Many predict this trend is here to stay. It is inclusive, eco friendly and low cost. Options like webinars, zoom meetings or live workshops sessions have been possible in the past but within the current state people are rethinking their capacity to act digitally.
We compiled our favorite recent examples of digital events for inspiration below. If you are interested in hosting an event digitally contact Paranoid Internet. From designing the event to the marketing campaigns to pack it full (virtually) of attendees, Paranoid Internet is your best agency partner.
Founder Event
Bits & Pretzels Virtual Founders Breakfast

This event was attended by the Paranoid Internet team and we loved it! The founder scene is facing many great challenges and also opportunities. For this reason, Bits &Pretzels decided host a virtual founders breakfast including talks on all relevant Corona topics on Sunday last month.
The event included a kick off, virtual breakfast to be shared with co-worker and ended in a series of talks.
Music Festival

DGTL Festival a major music festival in Amsterdam decided that instead of canceling they would move the festival online into a free live stream. The free live-stream, named DIGITAL DGTL included artists such as Adriatique, Ana Lilia, Kléo and Jasper Wolff.
Online Classes

Another example we have seen popping up everywhere are different types of classes to take online. Many people are using their time to learn lanauages or skill apllicable to their work.
One website that is really interesting is Master Class is is a subscription based platform with classes taught by artists, celebrities, business experts and many others. Some of the names include Annie Lebowitz and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.